Friday 20 March 2015

Slight Change of Plans

Due to a misconception I had about the state of our tree order, my plans had to change. Originally I had hoped to plant 600 one year old evergreens. I was told that my family had ordered the trees, when in reality my parents only had 600 trees in their online cart. When we returned to finalize our order, the trees were sold out. In place of those trees, we purchased two year old trees that were more expensive. It ended up costing around $275 for 250 colorado spruce trees. The website is run by the Manitoba Forestry Association, called ThinkTrees. In addition to providing a cheap source for purchasing young trees, it also offers information and classes to learn about planting trees. It is more most efficient way to plant large amount of trees, as the cheapest tree costs only 50 cents, and can be bought in large quantities.

To make up for the smaller order, I will be taking some willow tree cuttings. In the spring, willow trees have yellow branches that are filled with the young plant cells that allow them to create roots while sitting in water. After leaving the branches in buckets of water for a couple of weeks, I should be able to plant them successfully.
young tree

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea for a project, Mike.
    It must feel un-fufilling to have your plans not work out, but it's great that you're compensating your larger order with two smaller batches of trees so that you can still balance out the 'lost' trees that you didn't get to buy.
